2022 Mustang Soccer AGM Recap

2022 Mustang Soccer AGM Recap

December 1, 2022

By Melissa Durkee, Mustang Soccer Club 

On November 14, 2022, Mustang Soccer held our Annual General Meeting.  The nominating slate for the new board members was presented and voted on by the membership, and many were presented with special recognition awards.  

New Board Members are Kari Simons, Rec Plus Director, and Joe Hess, Fields Director, will begin their three-year term in 2023. 

Returning Board Members are Ricardo Martinez, Treasurer, and Justin Yarkin, Referee Director, will remain in their current positions for another three-year term. 

Linda Ziemba Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Greg Luengo, in recognition for generously volunteering her time and energy on behalf of all the youth of the Mustang Soccer League.

Rick Samson Memorial Volunteer Award was presented to John Montoya, in recognition for generously volunteering his time and energy on behalf of the competitive youth athletes of the Mustang Soccer League.

Bob Oxenburgh “Honor the Game” Award was presented to Robert Radden, in recognition for best exemplifying the spirit of “honoring the game” through his actions and sportsmanship, demonstrating to the children of youth that the game and its values are more important than a victory.

Kinnear Competitive Coach of the Year Award was presented to Tim Lewis, in recognition for always putting the betterment of his players first, in all trainings and games. He displays integrity, perseverance, and a commitment to the philosophy of our competitive program.

Referees of the Year Award was presented to Adult Referees, Brenda Kuehnle and Jordan Fetterman, and Youth Referees, Brody Anand, Teagan Iranitalab, and Ethan Klets, who all officiated a minimum of 20 games this Fall season as both centers and AR, have positive attitudes, demonstrated professionalism, are good listeners, and live our Mustang Soccer Referee Motto, “Learn and practice something every game!” 

Student-Athlete Awards were presented to four student-athletes, who are seniors in high school,  in ​​recognition of their altruistic and valuable contributions to Mustang Soccer, outstanding performance as a soccer athlete, and exemplary academic achievements.  This year’s recipients are Madison Gambs, Riann Juroff, Jonathan Kim, and Quinn Salmon.

Youth Coaches were given special recognition for their willingness to assist with our Recreational program, allowing more youth the ability to play on a team.  Thank you to Joshua Balagot, Ella Beardslee, Connor Clark, James Downes, Neal Malik, and Cameron Mora.

Special Recognition to 50th Anniversary Celebration Community Event Volunteers was also noted. Thank you to Rey Baraceros, Shelly Baraceros, Tara Beane, Shawn Condon, Jenna Mesic, and Theresa Vodopich.

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